Will the Bull keep charge this week?

Will the Bull keep charge this week?

Where do you spend your paycheck… Walmart, Macy’s, or Home Depot? If none of those businesses, than probably somewhere else (most likely Amazon, am I right?). However, those three companies listed are releasing earnings this week and represent an essential indicator for how well the US economy is doing. Consumer spending accounts for two-thirds of our economy and how much people are spending can be uncovered in the financial health of stores.


We will see second-quarter earnings… and also be paying close attention to retailers’ outlooks for the rest of the year. Many moving parts go into these outlooks, such as inflation, wage growth, gas prices, and tariffs, to name a few. But in terms of consumers spending, May and June went well, and more of the same is expected for July.


Healthy retail sales… could give the stock market a bump this week. Some believe that the strength of the consumer and retailers has not been adequately accounted for in the market to this point. So will we break records this week – the S&P 500 currently sits 1% below its January record-high so it could happen. Stay tuned to see if the Bull keeps runnin’…

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